Thursday, September 2, 2010

First independent tele-conversation with baby

I called home. You picked up. I was surprised.


ZY: Hello

Mommy: Hello (feeling happy to hear your voice)

ZY: Yao zhao sui

Mommy: Jiao granny ting dien hua

ZY: Ni si shui

Mommy: Wo si shui ah?

ZY: mama....

Mommy: Li hai lah (I was very touched to hear you knowing who I am and you sounded so sweet over the phone)

ZY: Ni qu nali?

Mommy: mommy qu zuo gong

ZY: Ni yao hui lai liow ma?

Mommy: yao liow, mommy lei lei liow, mommy miss ni wor. Ni you miss mommy ma.

ZY: You..

Mommy: Mommy kiss kiss ni ha..chut chut chut chut. Ni you ting dao ma?

ZY: You..

Mommy: Ni you guai ma..

ZY: You..

Mommy: Jiao Granny ting dien hua..


Then granny picked up the phone and told me that she didn't teach you to say anything else except to ask who is that.

Your voice is so sweet, gentle & calm. I didn't expect you to ask me so many questions by yourself. After spending almost everyday with you when Min Chee ah yi was in M'sia, I miss you almost everyday at work now.

Although I was sick with flu yesterday, I didn't want kakak or granny to help me to babysit you. Cos I just want to spend time with you, although I'm so tired. We played musical games, flash cards etc. You know, on Monday you slept at 1am and woke up at 6am, then slept back at 7-8am then at 3pm to 6pm? You nearly drive me nuts yesterday. Luckily you manage to sleep early around 11pm last night.