Monday, August 29, 2016

8 years & 10 months old - Counter Bullying

We always have bed time talk. Just last week, you told me that 1 of your best friend J did something bad. You cried. I asked what did you do when she did something bad? Can you manage? You said you just walk away & don't bother. But you feel very upset about it.

Next morning, I woke up at 5:30am, couldn't sleep back, thinking about your problem. What or how should I help you or how should we look at this matter. Seeing you cry it's extremely heart breaking. On our way to school, I asked you what did you do after J did that "something" to you. You said you just walked away & tell yourself let the negatives go away, positive come come come. Luckily, on our way to school, an idea just popped up. I told you that in this world, there are many J we will meet. God need to introduce you to this situation so in future you'll be tough. It is God's arrangement to bring J to you because you need this skill. A skill where you will not be bothered by bullies & learn how to walk away from them. I gave you an example of someone whom I know, who couldn't take criticism and resigned from a job and later regretted. So, if you know how to manage negative situations and turn it into positive situation or learn how to pull through, then you will not end up like mummy's friend, who now faces financial difficulties because she's out of job.

I said J doesn't have mummy to send her to school every morning. You have God and mummy to love you. So we must forgive J. Even though she's not going to be your good friend in future, we still  must not act like her or respond badly to her bad treatment.

After hearing all this, you just brighten up. That smile on your face reassures me that you'll know how to take it positively whenever J or whoever behaves badly towards you.

N/T: We're not Christian but we believe there's God, be it Kwan In or Jesus.