Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Polite little 2 y/o and 9 mths toddler

You're so polite recently. You've turned into a polite little girl. You'd say thank you while looking into my eyes when you're given soemthing to eat, a toy or etc. Sometimes you forgotten but most of the time, you'd say it. When you sneeze, you would say excuse me. When you need to ask daddy to move abit, you'd say excuse me too. You're so tiny and you sound so cute...You never fail to  make me smile.


When it comes to sharing, you have improved too. I'll tell you "It's oK if you're not ready to share now. Rest for a while okay? When you're ready, you let me know." Then after 1 minute, I'd ask again " Are you ready now? " If you're not, then I'd say OK again & asked you to take another rest and let me know when you're ready to share. After awhile, you'll sure to share your toys and pass it to whoever who wants your toy and give them a big hug. I'm happy with this improvement. Magdelene is also better at sharing her toys with you now. I'd tell her that it's OK that she's not ready now and tell her to take a rest until she's ready to share her toys. She'd share after taking 1-2 minutes rest. Sometimes, if you take like ages to rest, then i'd say, OK, i'll count to 10, after that you let me know if you're ready to share. Usually, before I count to 10, you'd tell me " I'm ready" and you'll make me smile. I'm really happy that you learn to share your toys slowly. You know, you did the same to kakak. You asked kakak to count to 10 cos you're not ready to have a shower. Hahaha! You told kakak you needed a rest "Kakak, wo yao siu si yi sia". "Kakak, count to 10". Hahaha!!


You know, you also likes to make Magdelen smile by giving her a very wide smile and look at her. Just sometimes, you're too loud, maybe you're too young to be aware of that, you actually frighten her.



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